
2022/1/13 15:14:07  发表于826天前

1.A complete silence is much appreciated.

English majors need enough time to think about what they’re reading. They need to hear their own thoughts. They often choose to read in silence. You might see them in the library hunched over a desk full of books, or maybe even sleeping on an opened text. They love thinking, but libraries can be so peaceful, it’s hard not to think of a little snooze.

2.Libraries and coffee shops are the best spots.

Rather than wasting time playing games, or partying the whole night away at a bar, English majors would rather go to libraries or coffee shops to read (and get another does of caffeine).

3.Over-thinking is a habit.

Because of their experience with analytic linguistics, English majors tend to over-analyze behaviors of people, to the point that it becomes habitual.

4.Handling 120% pressure is quite a norm.

Writing a 15-page analysis about their professor’s movie, hundreds of impromptu speeches, reading a 150-page literature book are quite normal for them. They are still able to make it with less time. It’s like that saying, practice makes perfect.

5.William Shakespeare and Jane Austen are their peers.
莎士比亚和简 奥斯丁是他们的小伙伴

Because they delve so deeply into Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays, or Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, the student feels like the know the actual person. Thus, they consider them their peer.

6.Watching professors’ favorite movie is a hobby.

This is admittedly true. So, when you want to have a good grade, knowing their professor’s favorite movie is the best thing they should do. This sounds funny but it is true.

7.Feeling discomfort to sell a book is usual.

Their subjects are just interconnected. So, they don’t want to sell their good old book unless they are done with university studies.

上篇 【中英文】有这10个“坏习惯”,那可能是因为你聪明!

下篇 【中英文】研究发现脸较宽的男性更善谈判

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